Top: One of Disney's most honored animated classics comes to life on the big screen as Jason Scott Lee stars in "Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book," a brand new live-action feature based on the time-honored stories about Mowgli (Lee), an orphan who is raised by wild animals in the jungles of India. Below: (Left) A timeless story, short extensively on locations in India, "Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book" follows Mowgli (Lee, right) who grows up in the jungle and is eventually drawn back into civilization where he applies the laws of nature to help his wounded friend Major Brydon (Sam Neill, left). (Right) When Mowgli (Lee) makes the decision to re-enter civilization, he embarks on a life-changing adventure beyond his wildest imagination. Cary Elwes, Lena Headey and John Cleese also star. A Walt Disney Pictures presentation, "Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book" is directed by Stephen Sommers from a screenplay by Sommers and Ronald Yanover & Mark D. Geldman, and a story by Ronald Yanover & Mark D. Geldman, based on characters from "The Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling. Produced by Edward S. Feldman and Raju Patel, the executive producers are Sharad Patel, Mark Damon and Lawrence Mortorff. Co-producer is Michael J. Kagan. Buena Vista Pictures distributes.
Photo measures 8 x 10 inches.
Photo is dated 12-24-1994.
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