Top: Based on the beloved animated classic "The Jungle Book," comes an all-new live action updating of the film favorite about a young boy named Mowgli (Jason Scott Lee, left) who is orphaned when his camp in the jungle is attacked and destroyed by the vicious tiger Shere Kahn (right),, From that day forward Mowgli is raised by wild animals and learns to follow nature's laws. In Walt Disney Pictures' brand new feature film for the whole family, "Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book". Below: (Left) One of Disney's most treasured animated classics comes to life on the big screen as Cary Elwes syars as the nefarious Captain Boone in "Rudyard Kiplings The Jungle Book." (Right) All of Kipling's memorable characters are featured in this action-filled updating of the film favorite including (left to right) John Cleese as Dr. Plumford, Baloo the Bear, and Jason Scott Lee as the jungle boy Mowgli. Lena Headey and Sam Neill also star. A Walt Disney Pictures presentation, "Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book" is directed by Stephen Sommers from a screenplay by Sommers and Ronald Yanover & Mark D. Geldman, based on characters from "The Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling. Produced by Edward S. Feldman and Raju Patel, the executive producers are Sharad Patel, Mark Damon and Lawrence Mortorff. Co-producer is Michael J. Kagan. Buena Vista Pictures distributes.
Photo measures 8 x 10 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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