For the new hats, which are beautiful and colorful, the above hair style was created at The Michel Hair Salon at Bonwit Teller, and is a new, full bouffant cut which lends itself to a wearable style by day and also to a re-comb for a glamorous evening.
Hair styles, hats and jewels mean a great deal to Milady's appearance. Just as good foundation garments, lingerie and correct make-up are needed for the perfect over-all picture, so, too, are coordinated hat and hair styles and the right jewelry to add flip to a costume.
Our hair and millinery model is vivacious, size 5, Natalie (Mrs. Richard) Eston, 10702 Shaker Boulevard, Cleveland, who came to Cleveland with her husband three years ago from Indianapolis.
Photo measures 7 x 10.5 inches.
Photo is dated 09-14-1961.
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