Lord Mayor from Munich, Dr. Vogel, will be Candidate for the Cbairmanship of the SPD-District Munich - Dr, Hans-Jochen Vogel (photo) will stand for the chairmanship of the SPD-district Munich. Recently the prominent politician had caused big trouble within the Socialist Party with his message not to stand again for the function as Lord Mayor in 1973 because of constant attacks and differences with the left wing of Munich's Social Democrats (Jusos = young members of the SFD). These conflicts led to the dismissal of 5 of the 6 members of the executive board of the district Munich. On March 13th there v/ill be the new election of the executive board - and Dr. Vogel told that he intends to stand for the function of the chairman. Keystone photo March 11th, 1971
Photo measures 6.25 x 8.5 inches.
Photo is dated --none.
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